AIT Offers an Annual Performance Opportunity at the U.S. Open Championships

Looking for opportunities to learn more about contemporary choreography and get a chance to perform alongside other like-minded skaters from around the world? Consider skating with AIT at the US Open!

The US Open is a one-time performance opportunity to come together, learn contemporary ensemble choreography, and perform the piece at the Professional Skaters Association (PSA) Annual Summit (previously known as Conference), which occurs annually in mid-May and is located in a different city each year.

2018 U.S. Open “Doomed” Cast: Amanda Evora, Carrigan Benoit, Victoria Craw, Izzi Gorowsky, Katie Stewart King, Katy Garrity, Emily Sanders, Sarah France. Choreographer: Kate McSwain.

Previous U.S. Open Performances

Some previous pieces that AIT has performed at the US Open include:

    • 2017 US Open in Nashville, TN:
      “Promise,” choreographed by AIT Boston Director Kate McSwain
    • 2018 US Open in Orlando, FL:
      “Doomed,” choreographed by AIT Boston Director Kate McSwain
    • 2019 US Open in Palm Springs, CA:

As AIT continues to grow, a variety of contemporary pieces with the American Ice Theatre brand name may be performed at the US Open, each one choreographed from a different AIT-Certified Choreographer / Director of one of our satellite locations.

2018 U.S. Open “Doomed” Performance in Orlando, Florida

What’s Involved to Skate with AIT at the US Open?

AIT performers meet to rehearse 10-12 hours over the course of 3 days to prepare for the performance leggi l’articolo. Typically, we meet for rehearsal beginning on the Sunday night before the PSA Summit to learn the choreography, and continue on- and off-ice rehearsals until the final performance is held at the US Open event on Tuesday night.

To participate in the US Open, performers must:

  • Be over 18 years old;
  • Test at the USFS Senior level in any discipline; and
  • Cover your travel expenses to attend.

AIT covers the cost of costumes for this event and the competition registration fees, but cannot cover travel expenses for the performers.

Interested in performing with us at the annual US Open competition?

Please contact us with your resume and skating reel. Let us know of your interest and we’ll add you to our U.S. Open invitation mailing list. We’d love to skate with you!

2017 U.S. Open “Promise” Cast in Nashville, TN: Sean Marshinski, Garrett Kling, Liz Schmidt, Victoria Craw, Ashley Wyatt, Meg Rinaldi-Young, Stephanie Chace Bass, Robert Mauti, Su Jackson-Wagner